A Short Story from The World of The Anuan Legacy
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Back in March, I asked my friends on social media to help select a final logo for my publishing company. This is the one you liked best (me too). Thank you all for helping! Now here’s a little background, in case you’re wondering.
The company was officially established January 7, 2017, as a Limited Liability Company operating in the state of Oklahoma. The name was suggested by my son-in-law during a brainstorming session between me, him, and my daughter. Inkana means friend (or friendly) in the Chickasaw language. As soon as I heard that, I knew we’d found the perfect name. I started with zero knowledge or experience on how to write a book and have spent the last seven years grabbing every bit of knowledge I could. I’d love to pass that on to others just starting out–be a “friend” to any who might benefit from what I’ve learned, not only about writing, but about the business of writing as well.
The design itself is a mix of things I find interesting and, therefore, write about. My first novel, The Anuan Legacy, is a science fiction book partially set in space. I’ve always loved space. So much so that my friends used to call me Spaci (the “i” dotted with a star, of course) instead of Traci when I was younger. Thus, the star. It’s swooping in like “here I am!” And here I am–or rather my book–finally, after 7 years. Longer by the time the novel is actually published. The pyramid is because I find anything about ancient Egypt fascinating. I already have a work-in-progress partially set in ancient Egypt. You’ll see that sometime in the future. The color scheme was inspired by the death mask of King Tutankhamun (originally named King Tutankhaten, but better known simply as King Tut). The logo colors aren’t yellow and blue. If you look closely, you’ll see they’re actually photo images of gold and lapis stone, which are both components of King Tut’s death mask.
Choosing to self-publish under my own label is just one of many paths to publishing these days. It’s the one I feel most comfortable with and I’d like to thank you all for coming along on this wonderful journey with me.
Happy Publishing!